Bernhard & John Kay (Steppenwolf) & Grover JacksonJoachim GriebeBucketheadAchim ReichelJohn Entwistle (The Who) & BernhardBernhard & Andy Summers (The Police)Albrecht DörriesBernd Gärtig (Inventor of the Stretch Strap/Lake)Frank ZappaJoca StraussBernd Gärtig (Inventor of the Stretch Strap/Lake)Peter WernerSeymour-Duncan & Joe CockerRoland Grapow (Rampage/Helloween/Masterplan)Bernhard & Larry CarltonBernd Gärtig (Inventor of the Stretch Strap/Lake)Bernhard & John Kay (Steppenwolf)Jeff BeckSeymour DuncanBernd Gärtig & Achim Oppermann (Lake)Pete Townshend (The Who)Bernhard & John Kay (Steppenwolf) & Grover JacksonMaik Moti (Running Wild)Rainer BaumannPeter Hesslein (Luzifers Friend)Bernd Gärtig (Inventor of the Stretch Strap/Lake) Robert Gillespie (Mitch Ryder Band)Seymour Duncan & BernhardTony Hicks (The Hollies)Warren CuccurulloKlaus VanscheidtHoward Roberts Peter Hesslein (Luzifers Friend)Scorpions